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Reasons Not to Skip Your AC Tune-Up

Posted On: April 21, 2015

Many homeowners are led to believe that an AC tune-up is a waste of money.

Because of this some homeowners skip AC tune-ups altogether. Unfortunately, lack of maintenance is one of the most common reasons homeowners have problems with their air conditioners.

Below are 3 reasons why you should get an AC tune-up each year.

  1. You will save moneyThat’s right we said you will save money! The better you maintain your AC the more efficient it will be and the less likely it will break down.
  2. A tune-up can help extend the life of your air conditionerIf you don’t maintain your car you will have problems with it right? Your AC unit is the same way. An AC tune-up is beneficial because it can help reveal potential issues with your system before they become a problem. You can fix the issue at your convenience instead of encountering a surprise breakdown.
  3. You’ll have the smoothest running air conditioner on the blockOur tune-ups include a thorough cleaning of your system. A cleaner system means a more efficient system. As dirt and debris build up they can obstruct airflow and force your system to work harder than it should.

For more information or to schedule an AC tune-up contact us. We’d be happy to help you with your air conditioner service, tune-ups, replacement, or repair.

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