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Furnace & AC Troubleshooting

The Genz-Ryan Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical team does everything we can to ensure your HVAC system is functioning as it should — and that includes showing you how to troubleshoot your system for easy fixes.

5 Things to Check Before Calling a Pro

  • Thermostats

  • Breakers + Disconnects

  • Humidifier Maintenance

  • Furnace Filters

  • Climate Airflow

Thermostat Troubleshooting

Your thermostat should be the first place you look when something goes wrong with heating or cooling. Check to make sure that it’s turned on, and if it doesn’t turn on, try changing the batteries.

When the season changes, and you’re ready to use your furnace or air conditioner for the first time, ensure you’ve set your thermostat correctly for your desired target temperature.

Give it a moment and listen for your system to turn on when you change from heat to cool or cool to heat.

Check Breakers + Disconnects

If your air conditioner or furnace won’t turn on, there’s a decent chance it’s not getting any power. If your thermostat is still on, check the on/off switch for your furnace or the disconnect switch for your AC to ensure they’re on.

Still nothing? Ensure your system hasn’t tripped the breaker — they should be labeled AC or furnace. If it was tripped, reset it. If a circuit wants to shut off again immediately, or keeps flipping, don’t try to force it — give Genz-Ryan a call!

Humidifier Maintenance

You should maintain your humidifier every fall. Change the humidifier filter when you complete heating maintenance, as you use your humidifier the most when your furnace is on full blast.

Your humidifier is attached to the duct system by your furnace. Remove the cover to access and change the filter.

Look for a flashing light indicating that you need to change the filter. Ensure the unit is off, and hold down the lighted button to reset the indicator once you’ve replaced the filter.

Furnace Filter Importance

A dirty furnace filter can significantly affect the airflow in your home. That’s because a dirty filter forces your system to work much harder to pull in air and push it out into your ducts.

Go to your furnace to change your filter. Ensure you replace the filter correctly to ensure the air flows the right way.

If you use a 1-inch filter, change it out once a month, but if it looks dirty, change it. Pets and other sources of dust and debris can also change how often you need a new filter. We recommend changing your filter when you pay your mortgage so you never forget!

Decreased Climate Airflow

Have you noticed hot or cold spots in your home, but your HVAC system seems to be functioning as it should? Make sure that all your vents are unobstructed by furniture and curtains.

You can improve your comfort and manage the airflow for your home by using the adjustable dampers on your vents.

  • If it’s warm weather, open dampers to force cold air to the upper areas of your home. The cold air will naturally sink to the basement.
  • If it’s cold weather, close the dampers in the upper areas of your home. Heat naturally rises, so this will give you a more even comfort once the air settles.

Troubleshooting Not Enough? It's Time to Call the Pros.

If none of these tips resolve your HVAC issues, don’t hesitate to give the team at Genz-Ryan a call. Call (612) 430-8044 or reach out to us online to request HVAC service for your Twin Cities home. This is especially important if you notice the following issues with your furnace:

  • Uneven heating throughout your home
  • Skyrocketing or inconsistent utility bills
  • A furnace older than 1990
  • A constantly cycling furnace

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